Civet Coffee (Kopi luwak) is brewed coffee using coffee beans taken from the feces of mongooses. These coffee beans are believed to have a distinct flavor after being eaten and passing through the civet’s digestive tract. The fame of this coffee in the Southeast Asian region has long been known, but it only became widely known to gourmet coffee enthusiasts after publications in the 1980s. Civet coffee beans are the most expensive in the world, reaching USD100 per 450 grams.

-PROCESS : Wild Civet (Natural)
-D E F E C T : 2-3 %
-Note : Robusta Luwak Coffee is available upon request and also available are roasted civet coffee beans and civet ground coffee (please contact yaskico).

One of the most expensive types of coffee in the world, civet coffee comes from a very unique natural process. This coffee is the result of coffee beans digested by the civet animal and obtained from the feces released by the animal.
Luwak itself is an animal found in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. This animal has a long tail like a monkey and a raccoon-like face with spots or lines on its body. Mongooses play a very important role in the food chain, eating small reptiles and insects as well as fruit, such as mangoes and coffee cherries.
However, you should know that mongooses only eat the sweetest and freshest tasting coffee cherries. As soon as it enters its digestive tract, the coffee goes through a series of the most natural fermentation processes. This is what gives civet coffee its distinctive flavor that cannot be recreated by any other process. Once the civet has disposed of the coffee, the beans are cleaned, roasted and ready to brew.
What is the history of civet coffee and java coffee in Indonesia? Check their links here!

Looking for java specialty coffee? You can check the link here Java Specialty Coffee and Java Arabica Specialty Coffee Specifications.
Brief History
The origin of kopi luwak is motivated by the history of coffee plant cultivation in Indonesia. In the early 18th century, the Dutch opened cash crop plantations in their colonies in the Dutch East Indies, especially on the islands of Java and Sumatra. One of them was an arabica coffee plantation with seeds imported from Yemen. During the Cultuurstelsel (1830-1870) era, the Dutch prohibited indigenous plantation workers from picking coffee cherries for personal consumption, but the local population wanted to try the famous coffee drink.

Plantation workers eventually discovered that there was a type of civet that liked to eat coffee cherries, but only the pulp was digested, the epidermis and coffee beans were still intact and undigested. The coffee beans in the civet droppings were then picked up, washed, roasted, ground, then brewed with hot water, thus creating civet coffee.
The news about the pleasure of this aromatic coffee was finally smelled by the Dutch plantation owners, so then this coffee became the favorite of the rich Dutch. Due to its rarity and unusual brewing process, kopi luwak has been an expensive coffee since colonial times.

Civet Coffee or Luwak Coffee (Kopi Luwak)
The mongoose, or civet civet in full, loves to find good, ripe fruits including coffee cherries as its food. With its sensitive sense of smell, the mongoose will select fully ripe coffee cherries as its food, and afterwards, the coffee beans that are still protected by a hard, undigested skin will come out with the mongoose’s feces. This happens because mongooses have a simple digestive system, so hard foods such as coffee beans are not digested.
Civet coffee beans like this, in the past and today, are often hunted by coffee farmers, because they are believed to come from the best coffee beans and have been naturally fermented in the civet’s digestive system. The aroma and flavor of civet coffee is special and perfect among coffee enthusiasts and connoisseurs around the world.

Processing Process
Actually, the processing process of regular coffee and Luwak coffee is almost the same. Coffee beans are harvested in regular coffee, while in Luwak coffee the coffee beans are harvested by being taken from Luwak feces. After that, they are washed, dried and ready to be packaged. However, what makes the difference is the fermentation process of the coffee beans. In regular coffee, the fermentation process is carried out by storing it in a wooden or cement container, and covered with wet burlap. After that, it is left for 12 to 24 hours.

However, in Luwak coffee, the fermentation process occurs in the Luwak’s stomach. And, many enzymes play a role here, so the flavor obtained from this natural fermentation process is unique. It can be said, the fermentation process in the Luwak’s stomach is the most perfect fermentation for coffee beans.
There are even studies that found, the fermentation process of coffee beans in the stomach of Luwak is the same as the fermentation process of ordinary coffee which is carried out for 5 to 8 years. This is what makes Luwak coffee have a distinctive aroma and taste. Until now, experts are still researching how the fermentation process in Luwak’s stomach occurs and why this method gives Luwak coffee its quality taste and aroma.

Is civet coffee safe to consume?
According to a laboratory test in Canada, civet coffee from Indonesia contains less protein than other types. This is because the coffee protein has already been digested by the civet. As the protein is reduced, the bitter taste of the coffee is also reduced.
This makes it a safer choice for sensitive stomachs, as the civet’s digestion process makes the coffee have less caffeine and acid. However, this does not mean that all civet coffee is low in caffeine and safe for the stomach. The reason is that each bean consumed by civets has a different caffeine content.

Natural process makes civet coffee expensive
The main reason this coffee is expensive is because of its unique and natural process. Quoting from Kumparan, a mongoose is very selective in choosing the coffee fruit it will consume. It will only eat the best quality coffee cherries.
The mongoose has very strong instincts. Instinctively, the mongoose will select and eat the most delicious coffee fruit picked on that day. Then, the mongoose only eats about 10-30 percent of the coffee fruit provided so that the coffee production will not be able to be much.
Finally, as reported by CNN Indonesia, this coffee is rare because it is necessary to find feces from mongooses that have eaten ripe coffee before processing it. The amount can be even rarer because mongooses are found to prefer arabica coffee over robusta.
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